Affordable, World-Class BIM & VDC Services

We help you leverage powerful technologies and future-proof your AEC Firm.
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What We Do

Building Information Modeling

Improve project efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance decision-making through data-driven insights with Building Information Modeling. By digitally representing a building’s design & data, BIM enables seamless collaboration among stakeholders throughout the project lifecycle.

Virtual Design & Construction

Increase project predictability, eliminate construction rework, and save time by digitally representing, planning, coordinating, and managing all aspects of design, preconstruction and construction. Utilize cutting-edge technologies to ensure project success.


The AEC Industry’s Trusted BIM & VDC Partner

Highly Skilled

Trained & Certified

Fully Dedicated


Leverage Powerful Technologies

MAX 360 partners with high performing AEC firms of all sizes looking to prioritize efficiency and embrace technology.

Our unique approach gives organizations the flexibility to instantly, seamlessly, and cost-effectively incorporate BIM & VDC into their projects.


Fast & Frictionless



We Create Data Rich Building Models

Identify and solve potential issues prior to construction. MAX 360 creates detailed, multi-dimensional virtual building models.

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An Extension of Your Team

Add world-class BIM/VDC Specialists to your team. MAX 360 provides solutions that are customized to fit your needs.


Why Work With Us

Maximize Efficiency

Significantly increase efficiencies within your organization by leveraging our systems & expertise.

Accelerate Growth

Scale your organization quickly and effectively. MAX 360 will help you get to where you’re going, faster.

Decrease Overhead

More cost-effective than hiring employees in-house. Save without compromising quality.

Leverage Technologies

The future of the AEC Industry is driven by technology. Stay ahead of the competition.


177 E Colorado Blvd. Suite 200

Pasadena, CA 91105


+1 (626) 360-3585